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  • Writer's picturelazygirlofficial

Adulting 101

Remember that meme in college that said: good grades, sleep or social life? Pick two out of three.

Yeah, that was when we had it good because, hey, at least you got to pick!

This adult stuff is much more difficult! Especially with SO many options.

Sometimes the list of choices looks like this:

· Pay rent

· Go out with friends

· Make car payment

· Go on a date and try to find the love of your life

· Make a doctor’s appointment or stay home and suffer

· Clean bathrooms

· Wash dishes

· Exercise

· Drink water

· Diet

· Go to brunch

· Make the work deadline-


And you need to do those because if not, there are real life consequences to everything! Not paying rent will eventually get you evicted!! Not making the work deadline (unlike submitting a paper for class) will get you fired.

Adulthood is a time where we realize life isn't all about having fun, staying up late, getting good grades, making weekend plans, hanging out with friends every day or even doing your own laundry. When you become an adult, you have to become your own independent person. You finally have to deal with things like getting a job, paying your bills and maybe even learning how to cook!

What does "Adulting" mean?

Adulting is the assumption of responsibilities, tasks, behaviors, and characteristics that one must do once the period of childhood or teenage-hood is over and you must now become an independent functioning human being without the help of older adults such as parents or anyone older than you. Such examples related to #Adulting are getting a job, going to work on time, buying a car, taking care of your bills and so on. Now this is a very loose definition because some generations who are now technically adults still need assistance with some things such as bill pay and/or a place to stay. In my generation, generation Y or the notorious “Millennials” that are so hated and trolled online, checking off every single “adult” thing on this list is from difficult to impossible.

But some experts say millennials aren’t to blame, the fact is that millennials are earning at least 20% less than baby boomers did at the same age, only because the economy has gotten so frail since then and high-paying jobs are more competitive than ever.

Nearly a quarter (24 percent) of millennials who are fully employed report getting help with their bills from their parents, according to a recent survey by and while most of us (yes, I’m a millennial too in case you couldn’t tell) managed to move out of our home (probably with some roommates), there’s still about 20% of millennials who live with mom and dad. And I’m here to tell you – there’s nothing wrong with that!

I wish I had known that before. But unless you have a high-paying job with first and last month’s rent saved plus a security deposit- do NOT leave the nest- I repeat- do NOT leave the nest. Wait until you book the right job with the benefits and salary you need. The independence you’ll feel is almost always not worth the struggle of not having financial stability.

For those of us who managed to move out on our own and start living in this adult world, we still find it difficult to keep up with the #adulting life.

And honestly, this is where I begin sharing my wisdom from what I’ve learned and the easiest ways to accomplish any of this. There’s been times where I've left dishes in the sink for WEEKS and they got so many flies- it was like a "Sims" game.

There were times I didn’t know where I was headed in my career and ended up having 7 different jobs in less than year.

But here I’m just going to share my thoughts and what I’ve gathered so far is the best way to kick ass in this adulting business. Welcome to Adulting 101, right here on my blog.

My Lazy Girl Official blog is simply put: my thoughts on how you can become an efficient adult by successfully transforming from a college grad into a real life "grown-up," assuming the responsibilities that come with it. As a great man once said “With great power comes great responsibility” (Ben Parker).

For older generations, I feel it was much easier for them to do all of these things and hearing about this may seem strange to them. They'll be wondering what is so difficult about being an adult? They might be thinking “buckle up bud, get a job, be responsible, buy a house, take care of your needs and your family's, etc..” But for a millennial (again, a person reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century), it isn't as easy as it sounds. Like I said, the economy and life’s needs just aren’t what they used to be. So I’ll write and post about my experience and what has helped me successfully adult, like for example, managing my time better with self-imposed deadlines while still having a day dedicated to glorious "self-care."

What are your thought on this? Have you had any difficulties adjusting to #adulthood? Feel free to comment any questions or concerns below.

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